Frogbots (Team 4634)


Meet the FROGBOTS!

Jonathan "Buzz" Jones

Seth Hatfield

Micheal Bartone

Nathaniel Hatfield

Joshua Jones

Name: "Buzz" Jonathan Jones

Age: 17

Bio:  Jonathan Jones is a homeschooled senior who has been participating in FIRST for five years, the past two of which he has been captain.  Having programmed for seven years, he focuses primarily on the software aspect of the robot.  In addition to robotics, Jonathan also enjoys playing soccer for Marbella FC when he has the time.  He has also received his Gold Medal of Achievement (commensurate with the Eagle Scout) and has recently been accepted into Purdue, Rose-Hulman, and Texas A&M University.  Each robotics season, he looks forward to meeting the FTC challenge and continues to push himself and the team to new heights.

Name: Seth Hatfield

Age: 15

Bio: Seth likes to make things, Like chain male and video games. He has been on the team for two years, and as of this year singlehandedly runs the art department. He also works on prototyping the robot in solidworks and creating awesome wheel spinners to be 3D printed for the robot.

Name: Micheal Bartone

Age: 17

Bio: Michael Bartone is a Junior at Battlefield High School. This is his first year in FIRST, but brings 5 years of VEX experience. Having been the lead programmer on his VEX teams, he focuses primarily on software, but has also served as a builder. His love for all robotics spans most of his life, though beyond this Michael has developed his own Minecraft server, and enjoys designing websites and video games. His courses in school include AP Computer Science and NOVA's Cisco Computer Networking classes. Michael greatly enjoys meeting each year's robotics creativity and ingenuity challenges.


Name: Nathaniel Hatfield

Age: 17

Bio: Nathaniel Hatfield is a homeschooler from Gainesville, VA.  He lives and works on the family farm and is a hardcore geek, taking apart and putting together PCs, as well as hating Microsoft.  He is currently a high school Junior.  He

Name: Joshua Jones

Age: 14

Bio:  Joshua Jones has enjoyed soccer with Virginia Soccer Association since he was seven years old.  Some of his hobbies include coin collecting, sword collecting, and racquetball.  He is also involved in Royal Rangers which offers the Gold Medal of Achievement which his brother Jonathan Jones has earned.  This is his first year with any sort of robotics, though.  This past summer he passed Carnegie-Mellon University’s RobotC Summer of Learning.  Right now, he is enjoying learning hardware and scouting from the Frogbots.